Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Not What it Seems

It isn't about the papers
the numbers and letters and grades
or the late nights and early mornings
working for that A
Learning isn't in the classroom, it's in the people

It isn't about the places
the views and scenes
or food or smells or goods
the planes, trains, or sidewalks
Because travel is accomplished in the mind, through the stories

It isn't about the flowers
Birthday presents and walks to church
or pictures or things
or anything else
Love is about growing into the life you want, by choosing whats in your head

You can go to every class and ace every test
but did you study the good, earn the better, or learn the best?
You can stand in every country, throw rocks off ever shore
but if the places aren't backdrops for feelings, what did you go there for?
You can kiss and hug and cuddle, go out every night
but if you aren't a better person now, would you say you won the fight?

Life is about progression
not checking things off the list.
Don't rush through, but don't forget
There is always something next
and not everything has to be best
save the superlatives for the paper
and remember this
it's not always what it seems;
to be living your truest dreams

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