Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Always More Than Yesterday

I love you more than yesterday
for all the sweet new things you say.
For hours spent in conversation
for moments of faux speculation.
For whims and fancies
brought to life
and dreams fully supported,
for talking way into the night
and silly dreams reported.
For quips and words of reassurance;
for acceptance of my 'gifts';
for silly games of mock insurgence.
For promised forts and sheep and still
tiny little elephants.
For every fight
we've almost had
and every small "I'm sorry".
For, through the very awful worst,
you still waited for me.
For never being truly mad.
For loving me just as I am,
and asking not one single change;
though you know for you
my life I'd quickly rearrange.
For cold cold cars, acoustic guitars
and phone songs way off key (from me).
For plane tickets and long bus rides
just for some time with me.
For never doubting when I'm right
even if I'm wrong.
For telling me to dream and hope
and asking at my plans.
For not getting dangerously jealous,
when I eat with another man.
For Ireland and for our jar
of things I want to do;
For being the man in a young girl's heart,
for being a dream come true.
For all these things I've listed,
for all the ones I missed,
for all the things I've yet to learn
and every reason more;
Forever is yours if you'll just ask
for my hand belongs in yours.

1 comment:

Lane said...

That is the greatest poem I've ever read, even if I am a little partial ;) Thank you so much!

I love you :)