Friday, September 28, 2012


I think all little girls dream of living in a castle, it is in our blood. We love to pretend we could be worth the world to someone.
Life comes along and tries to teach us otherwise, and the adult in us believes it must be true. We cannot all be a princess. We cannot all rule the world. There is no magic. Only life.
If not magic, what then, is life?
Some people might argue that life is a job and school and paying bills. But that is not life, that is merely what it takes to maintain a "normal" society life. Life is the desire to live, to feel the air in your lungs and the blood in your veins and rejoice in their vital movements. Life is to love and to give, to learn and to grow. It is making mistakes but getting up again, and finding, within our everyday life, what it takes to make it worth living. That is the magic.

What is life without magic? There is no life without magic.

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