Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Poetic License on a Reflection Paper

What I Know Now

Is it selfish?
to say
  I’d rather study myself than any other person on this planet?
Does it make sense if I convince you
That studying others is really the same?
Can I persuade you to believe that the
whole world is a
   lens, a reflecting
     pool, a refracting light scheme
       on in the inner
           the self
     the other above and the

you below

and in learning of others,
we mostly learn of ourselves      ?

This is true, you see, because
When I’m studying you,
I’m studying me
How I react and how I read
And what all those words mean to me
But why, you ask, do I continue
To study me and
instead of you?
Because I control me and the things
I see and the things
I do shape the world around
Me, just as yours do.

To be a better me,
I must study other

So I sat down in this class to read about a Justice
And I read
and we talked
and I learned a lot
but what I know now
    is not how much work Sonia Sotomayor put into her dreams
it is not how life can be difficult for a Latina
it is not how much the world of diabetes has changed through modern medicine and
it is not why you should bother to read her book or take this class

what I know now
is that I have dreams that are
                B I G G E R
                than I knew, and they are
is that my life is really difficult, but that
does not mean it is not worth living

is that the world is changing all around me
right now
and if I don’t pay attention,
I’ll miss out
is that I should bother to get out of bed every day and put on clean clothes
is that I should bother to go to work and be proud of a job well done
is that I should bother to put on a smile and do something to make me and you a little bit happier today

is that I should bother to change the world.


Sh'Nell said...

I love these thoughts Janice and I love that you are a dreamer! And that you are living your dreams. Do it always!

Unknown said...

DUDE!!!!!! TEXT ME!!! We need to talk!!! 8018246503

Unknown said...

delete this after you get my number haha!!