Sunday, July 7, 2013

Because I Won

I won
The bus doors creak as they swallow us up
like a big tin of sardines
with the sharp turn on the lid after Rachel has snuck one before dinner
we have sardines sometimes
Momma says it’s because she likes them
But she doesn’t like them and I think it’s because we are poor
Marbles against a wooden box,
rolling around in there and shaking
hitting the sides and tumbling across the grain

I have to sit at the back of the bus where the seats are hard and made of the oldest vinyl in Grant county
Papa says its cuz we dark, darker than the cold shadows behind the shed where we sit in August
Sometimes he says its because the white people are mean
the white people who sit at the front of the bus, with so much space between them
there is only room for thick thick pride, pride that you
gotta walk through to get to the back, pride that you
brush off your clothes and cough out as you pass

but I don’t believe him because I
have a friend who is white girl and she always wear cotton dresses to school
blue cotton and cotton she calls sea foam green
and the way she laughs when she says sea foam green as if she expects me not to know what it is
but I know because I asked my momma one day and she said it’s the color of our refrigerator
the cold aluminum sides the same as her soft cotton dresses
with their ruffles and collars and bits of lace

I know what lace is too
and she is the nicest girl in school because she told me once I could have a drink from her fountain and she wouldn’t tell no one and then she ran off and her laugh tinkled out and bounced off the playground walls
and someday, someday I am gonna marry her
Papa says it is a bit too early for that
seens how we are only eight years old and we don’t know
what marriage is anyhow

But I know I am gonna
Marry that girl because I won the biggest marble
last week from Tommy Swinton
I won the biggest marble
from Tommy Swinton and he said I couldn’t do it and they let me in their circle just so they could laugh at me, he said, and they did laugh, like angry dogs who haven’t been fed but I won it
And I am the new King at marbles

And no one can tell me no, now

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