Saturday, July 16, 2011

All aboard the CloudTown Express!

Have you ever been on one of those tour buses? Where an overly excited, underpaid tour guide drives you around the city spouting off random facts and bad jokes as you taste the finest scenes offered? Well, I haven't either, but if I ever were to be a driver on one of those notoriously over-priced buses, this is the song I would have playing much too loudly over the scratchy intercom system.

Welcome to the great city of Cumulus, would you like a tour?

Geometri by Geocranium

Hey there you look like a mighty fine group; would ya like to take a tour of this fine city here? Of course you would! Step right up and get comfortable I really recommend the upstairs for your ride today it's excellent weather today in Cumulus and you wouldn't want to miss that!
You smile a sneaky grin at the tour guide, a man in his late twenties who needs a shave. He smiles back as you take his advice, climbing to the top of the stairs and taking a seat on a red vinyl bench. You drop your backpack on the floor between your shoes and wait just a few minutes as the bus fills up. What an interesting time for a bus tour, who wants to be up at 7:00 on vacation anyway? Well, I guess I do, because here I am. The bus growls to a start and the tour guide turns to face the passengers as they begin the noisy trip through the city. Pulling away from the curb on the outskirts of Cumulus, one can hear a buzz that can only be the stirrings of a city as it awakes to a new day. (.07)

Now right here folks is what we call the market section of town. We got all kinds of shops in here makin' e'erything from breakfast to y'er clothin to the bus we'a ridin' on! Now it may be early f'er you folk bein' on a holiday and all, but we here in Cumulus are up before the sun and there is a lots to be goin' on today! (.12) The city was indeed waking up to a beautiful day and every cloud person seemed to know it, bouncing around the street corners with a lightness that just didn't seem right for being headed to work. (.24)
We're now a drivin' through the governmental section of this town and right here on the right hand side would be the capital. Beautiful white buildin' ain't it? Smartly dressed cloudsmen were hurrying up the stone steps into the adjacent courthouse, their shoes clicking on the white marble as the bus roars on through the streets. (.31) This right here be our town sanctuary, the Cirrus Circle; anda many of our cloudsmen worship here. We'a mighty proud of this building. Itsa been right here on this hill for over a million years and it has the most beautiful of all the gardens in Cumulus. (.41) A few of the city's citizens were slowly climbing the long walkway to the sanctuary, some carrying bundles or boxes. An older cloudsman stood solemnly at the circular entrance, his head bowed to show off a pure white head of thin hair.
On ya left hand side yu'll see a group of our finest workers startin to put up the latest of the cloudhouses on this here new neighborhood of White Bluffs. (1.05) This is Stratus Square, where all the most important of the cloudcompanies have their offices. Some of these buildings reach into the jet stream! And as we roll on by towards the farmin area we can see that the markets here are abustlin. Just look at all that green stuff yuh can buy! (1.23) This here is Cumulonimbus College, our very own university and we'a mighty proud of our graduates, Go Foggers!" (1.55) Thank yuh for takin this tour of Cumulous City, we hope you had a sun shinning good time, come back now, ya hear?

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