Thursday, June 30, 2011

Building Up- To the Battle's Peak

For my first experiment, let me show you what happens when I listen to a little ditty created by my musical friend, Patrick. He entitled the tune Building Up. I can't help but see a story in the music, and this is just one variation of the moment I feel the music captures. Ready? (PS, I included a few time notes, in case you want to follow along. The whole story isn't always played out exactly in the music, often times it is just a scene inspired by the song.)

Building Up by PHerbert

The small army had been camped on the frozen mountain pass for many weeks now, and few had the strength or determination they came with. Many were sick or weak, food and supplies were low, but not as low as morale. Tonight, however, was different. The Captain had just received word that the enemy was camped just on the other side of the snowy ridge and they were to attack in the morning.
Long into the night, soldiers sharpened swords and readied themselves to fight what could be a very bloody battle against an army with what some may call a bad reputation.

(.19) The sun rose and orders came. "Move out" was the call from the captain and the weary soldiers began to march up the steep, snowy rise. Scouts had been sent ahead, and just as soon as the front line was close enough to peer over the ridge, a message came that the enemy was expecting them and was waiting on the other side. Just waiting. (.28)
One lone archer was sent to the semi-protected peak. One person, with one arrow, to win or lose the battle before it had even really begun.
Positioned in the snow, crouching to peer steadily around the rocky outcrop that served as a hiding place..... (.41) all was silent except for the rustle of the harsh wind on the snowy mountain side and the beating of one heart, loud and yet silent as the archer pulled his bow...fingers released and the bow snapped sending a single arrow soaring from the mountain top with a perfect whoosh. (.45) And thus the battle was won.

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